SMTW Coach Study Route

Course Description
# This course is done through 9 weekly sessions and will take place over Zoom.
# Each session is approximately 3 hours in length.
# You will learn the Show Me Tao Way Method (principles and format) and how to incorporate and employ the Show Me Tao Way kit (boards and cards) into your professional practice.
# The format for each session is 2 hours of class with study and practice of each new phase of the method; and the 3rd hour is left for the practitioner to provide feedback, clarification and answer any questions that may surface.
# You will receive a Show Me Tao Way kit for your own personal and professional use in your practice.
# After each session, you will be assigned homework to practice and solidify your grasp of the concepts covered in class.
# You will be supported throughout the training course by graduates of the SMTW Training Method who will be available to answer your questions and concerns via your cohort’s dedicated WhatsApp group.
# You will be assigned a buddy from the course group who will be your partner over the course of the nine weeks. The purpose of this is to support one another, reflect together and be able to rely on someone immersed in the same experience as you
# Each Monday and Thursday, Kinneret Ladizinsky-Kasif, founder of the Show Me Tao Way Method, will be available to answer questions that have arisen over the past week in your practice.
# You will complete a total of 27 hours of study (not including the practicum option).
Course Prerequisites
To take part of this course you must either:
Be a practitioners, therapists, life coach, or individual who work with clients on a daily basis.
A group facilitators or teacher who use mindfulness in their therapeutic approach.
If you are not any of the above, you must has completed 3-5 one-on-one SMTW sessions with a certified practitioner. You can find a list of our practitioners here.
Course Details
Here is a detailed look of what each week in the course will entail.​
First Session
# Explore the three disciplines upon which SMTW is based:
-Adlerian Psychology
# Examine the paradoxes present in our modern day world and discuss how they broadly challenge humanity.
Second Session
# Learn how to reveal the root cause of your client’s distress and achieve a certain level of breakthrough from your first meeting with them.
# Explore the implications of a person in a state of stagnation and how to engage your client’s early childhood memories
# Learn how to access the necessary information held in one’s childhood memories and bring this information to your clients’ awareness or consciousness, helping them connect between these and their current life challenges.
# Learn how to analyze your client’s childhood memories and activate them in order to reveal their own strengths but also their limiting beliefs, which have been informing their choices until now.
# Learn how to effectively process this information in order to help them release these unserving memories.
# Understand the significance of our memory as to how it informs our present self and how we can activate it to heal us from our current life challenges.
Third Session
# Explore how to help your client recognize new patterns of thinking and how to bypass their existing and limited ways of thinking.
# Learn to differentiate and define the difference between operating out of fear ( survivalist instinct) and the more optimal way, operating from one’s intuition.
# Explore when people tend to default towards functioning out of fear versus using their intuition to make choices.
# Learn how to help your client construct highly nuanced and effective questions to maximize efficacy of the method.
# Examine how and why employing the most precise words to these questions will serve to manifest your client’s vision for themselves.
Fourth Session
# Learn how to help your clients develop a road map for new ways of thinking and how this translates into developing new neural pathways in the brain.
# Learn how and why developing one’s cognitive flexibility is a key ingredient in developing new ways of thinking.
# Explore why the subconscious isn’t activated by logical reasoning.
# Learn how to analyze illogical thoughts using the SMTW Method and help them develop new pathways for your client.
Fifth Session
# Practice the final component of the method, which is the consolidation of the new way of thinking.
# See how to execute this by employing the SMTW method.
# Learn how to help your client process and implement these new patterns of thinking and read their new road map for life, which is slowly being revealed through the practice of the method.
# As the most important step in achieving results, we’ll learn how to strengthen and reinforce your client’s new cognitive muscles, which were discovered in prior sessions.
Sixth Session
# Learn how to recap weekly progress with your client; this last phase of the method reviews the process and reinforces the tools that were employed.
# Continue practicing the new cognitive patterns formed.
# Learn how to observe and analyze existing/new cognitive patterns that exist and that will emerge in the future without judging them.
# Learn how to convey the importance of practicing the method daily to maintain progress and to experience further expansiveness based on a balanced and harmonious foundation.
# How to reinforce the need to practice the SMTW method and how using 5 new SMTW cards each session can stimulate the emergence of new thought patterns and perspectives.
Seventh Session
# Learn the principles of Taoism/Daoism that influence the SMTW Method.
# Explore the 5 elements of Taoism/Daoism which will also inform your client’s ability to interpret the new patterns of thinking that emerge and implement them into their daily lives.
Eighth Session
# Summarize and review the SMTW Method from start to finish.
# Review the SPIDER™ Model of SMTW – which encourages your client to have a regular conversation with themselves in order to continue to experience positive outcomes after the practitioner sessions are completed.
Ninth Session
# Explore the ethical principles each practitioner must uphold to support the standards of the SMTW Method.
# Opportunity to provide constructive feedback to the group facilitator, share thoughts with co-participants on your experience learning the SMTW Method thus far.
# Discuss how to move towards completing the practicum phase required to become a certified SMTW Practitioner.