SMTW Group Facilitation
Course Dates
February 25, 2025
Course Description
How to lead the SMTW Game for Groups - for practitioners only
Course Prerequisites
To take part of this course you must be a certified SMTW practitioner.
Course Details
Here is a detailed look of what each week in the course will entail.​
Week 1
Introduction and Expectations: What is a group? What is the group's purpose? How do we start a session with a group, and what is the first question we ask? Since SMTW is a personal process, how do we do it together in a group? What does the process of SMTW create in a group? Spider - Guidance for the entire group and personal sharing.
Week 2
Childhood Memories: How do we transition the game's second step with a group? Memory is a stage in which we immediately reach the root of what creates wounds in space quite quickly. How do we maintain space? How do we learn to talk about childhood memories in a way that preserves an open space and trusts the process? How do we create a safe and open space in the workplace?
Week 3
Vision - Effective Question: How do we create a personal vision and a group vision at the same time? How do we transfer the group through the vision process? How do we give and receive honest and authentic feedback?
Week 4
Building the Foundations - A challenging stage for the group. How do we guide the group in the process of building the new road's foundations? How do we maintain a focused space in complex processes that require personal attention?
Week 5
First Hour of Content: The travel stage in the new road, a stage that encounters resistances. How do we use them for our benefit? How do we maintain space in the stage of transformation? How do we give personal attention to each participant in the process? How do we maintain the space of the group in a personal process? One and a half hours of demonstration. Half-hour closing.
Week 6
First hour- Ethical Rules for the Group: What are the ethical rules for the group? What are the common points to pay attention to in the process - the reflection triangle, the questioning questions, and giving personal interpretations? What do we do when a participant takes over? How do we set boundaries? In the second and third hours, a similar simulation will be conducted with two other participants who will receive feedback from the observers at the end of the process.
Last an hour and half will be used to have another simulation by Kinneret on one of the participants
Week 7 + 8
​These meetings are dedicated to simulations in the first half. One participant will guide one of the group members through the process, and the other group members will watch and provide feedback at the end. In the second half, a similar simulation will be conducted with two other participants who will receive feedback from the observers at the end of the process.
Week 9
How to End a Process in a Zoom Group? How to End a Process in a Physical Group? In this week, we will practice the closure of a process in front of group members using the spider model.
Course Size
Minimum 3 participants (tripod) max 6.
Private Add-on Sessions
Personalized group facilitation guidance is offered through one-on-one sessions with Kinneret. As part of the guidance process, the coach will document their meetings with the group they are leading. In a weekly meeting with Kinneret, they will review the requirements of the process that is being conducted for the group.
Cost for an hour coaching consultation is $275
Sign up
Contact Kinneret directly to sign up to the course.